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DARwin Project

Integrating Virtual Reality technology with a humanoid robot to create an immersive and entertaining experience


  • Rapid Prototyping

  • Software Engineering

Independent Project


We set out to take the DARwin humanoid robot to the next level by allowing the user to become DARwin. We wanted the user to be able to move and see as DARwin through the help of Virtual Reality from the HTC Vive.




  • Use controller and senors in the hand to control DARwin's walking and arm movement

  • Use headset to view a live feed of DARwin's sight and control head movement



Being the only mechanical engineer on the team, I was responsible for any external hardware necessary for the project. 

Darwin HTC.jpg

To start the project, we needed to arrange the components for the HTC Vive. 2 infrared sensors needed to be mounted on the ceiling angled down at 45 degrees. Instead of having to wait for ordered parts, I quickly fabricated the 2 mounts in the machine shop. 

An external camera needed to be mounted on top of DARwin. I started making the mount by using a 3D model of DARwin's head to design a "hat" to hide the camera. Using Autodesk Fusion 360 and Ultimaker 3D printing, I was able to create a mock spacer for the hat and camera. 


Due to a single quarter time constraint, this project was not finished. However, we were able to learn and achieve a lot in this project. Individually, I learned the basics of the software engineering in C++ and Unity needed to integrate DARwin with the VR experience. As a team, we were able to tap into DARwin's systems to be controlled by our own controllers.

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